National RTAP

Enhancing Safety in Rural Transit

Our active shooter preparedness and mitigation training equips your team with essential skills, fostering a safer environment. When employees are well-prepared for potential crisis situations, they contribute to a secure workplace and cultivate a culture of safety. 

The Challenge

Since 1987, National RTAP personnel have assisted transit providers and offered training to enhance transportation in rural, small urban, and tribal communities. The agency enhances mobility for millions of Americans by providing training, technical assistance, reports, best practices, research, and peer assistance. To address the unfortunate trend in active shooter incidents, RTAP identified the need for a practical and informative active shooter preparedness program catered towards management and frontline workers. The goal was to have the training customized to provide guidance and best practices for RTAP’s unique rural environments.

Our Solution

 Skye developed a customized blended training solution specifically designed for RTAP’s unique requirements. The Active Shooter Preparedness and Mitigation training is customized for two distinct groups within the agency: management personnel responsible for the preparedness plan and frontline workers who work directly with the public. Each module offers instructor-led training materials, eLearning content, training booklets for self-directed learning, video commentaries, and scenarios to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, quick reference documents and checklists are provided to aid in understanding and implementing important potentially life saving concepts. 

The comprehensive training solution is structured to outline key information and best support the standard emergency format: Prevention, Intervention, Mitigation, Response, Recovery. The following information is covered.


  • Essential knowledge and protocols for all transit personnel during emergency and communication gap handling
  • Establishing clear leadership and decision-making processes during incidents
  • Making informed decisions on medical treatments and equipping vehicles appropriately
  • Coordinating with local law enforcement, understanding response times, and addressing gun laws implications

The Results

By providing essential knowledge targeted towards RTAP’s unique service environment, this customized training program heightens awareness and understanding of active shooter preparedness in a realistic and practical approach for RTAP employees. This enables personnel to respond effectively to emergencies, make informed decisions, and coordinate seamlessly with law enforcement. They gain valuable skills in recognizing warning signs, implementing intervention methods, and supporting employee well-being through access to essential resources. Ultimately, both RTAP management and frontline workers will be better equipped to create a safer environment for rural transit agencies and the communities they serve.