Sales Reps Gain Understanding
By Learning About A Patients
Journey With COPD


Life Sciences Case Study

Life Sciences Training Courses

The Challenge

A major pharmaceutical client was seeking an innovative approach to educate both current sales reps and new hires on how to best reach practitioners about COPD.

Our Solution

Skye developed the Patient Journey online training module to provide a walkthrough of the life of a patient with COPD through the Patient’s eyes. By providing a first-person approach, the reps experienced the various challenges this disease poses throughout the patient’s lifetime.

The training was highly visual and clearly delineated the different stages of COPD. As the story progresses, the learner is also made aware of the ramifications that certain medical decisions played and how possible alternatives may have made a difference in the patients’ health. Access to additional learning materials and resources are available within the course if learners choose to dig in further for more detailed information.

June introduces herself and begins her story of living with COPD.  

The Results

Understanding the challenges of COPD from the patient perspective, allows sales reps to gain insight into disease progression, as well as to build an emotional connection. This translates into more successful engagement with practitioners.

The training was also made available to mid-level practitioners (physicians’ assistants and nurse practitioners) to provide education on how COPD is often misdiagnosed and mismanaged.

A graphical timeline illustrates June’s story.

A knowledge check is presented at the end of each stage to check retention of the content.